One-Way Video Interviews

What is a One-Way Video Interview?


One-way video interviews ask prospective candidates to answer questions put to them by a digital, instead of a human, interviewer. The process typically takes place with the interviewee sitting in front of their home computer and responding to questions posed to them through text or video prompts. The answers are recorded via the candidate’s webcam and sent to the company conducting the interview through email or a proprietary hiring software.


Just like a traditional in-person interviews, one-way video interviews are meant to give employers a chance to find out more about the candidates they think might be a good fit for their organization. Candidates should treat a one-way video interview just like they would a traditional one, focusing on answer quality as well as body language, posture, clarity, and friendliness.


After a candidate submits their one-way video interview, the company’s recruiter and other position stakeholders watch the interview video. Just like other candidate information, one-way video interview data can not be shared with parties not involved in the hiring process. To ensure candidate satisfaction that their videos are well protected, many companies require submission through a secure recruiting app or portal.


Most one-way video interviews can be completed by a candidate at a time of their choosing, within pre-set parameters. This allows interviewees to ensure they are in a comfortable setting and not pressed for time throughout the process. Since some video interviews allow candidates to re-record answers they aren’t satisfied with, they decrease post-interview regrets by allowing candidates to truly put their best foot forward.


one-way video interview software greatly benefits employers as well, allowing them to screen candidates more efficiently by not tying up employee hours in the process and even completing several interviews simultaneously. Despite the time flexibility they offer candidates, one-way video interviews often actually speed up the hiring process because they remove the need to coordinate candidate schedules, which sometimes requires setting meeting dates several weeks out.